You are in good company
Millions of users in our community have already planned their tours with Bikemap. Discover routes that you can use as a template and then tweak or extend.
Maps tailored for cyclists
Choose the type of map you need to find the best paths to go. The global heatmap helps you find the roads that are most popular among cyclists. Community reports and relevant points of interest give you additional information to consider while planning.
Find the perfect way
Search for places and add them to the list of waypoints. You can easily change or reorder them. Thanks to the various routing profiles, you'll find the best way to go along these places on your type of bike.
Inspect your route
While planning, you can always check distance, ascent, descent and the estimated time. The elevation curve gives you a live impression of the ups and downs along the way and easy tools to inspect them in detail.
Optimize the track
You can always change, add and remove way points also on the map to make sure the route leads you exactly as intended. After saving or publishing, you can change your route again at any time.