This route is for those bikers who are bikers :). Seriously, if you know already the tarmac bike path along Morava and Drevnice rivers from Kromeriz to Zlin (vice versa) and you desire to find a technically more demanding alternative, this is it. The lenght is very similar. The route starts in the centre of Zlin city at yellow line. Then you have to ride above Zlin on a very steep gravel climb, next are Zbozenske ponds in a cottage area. In the middle of a forest, when the non-paved route joins a tarmac one, we have to turn left. Next follows the wooden observation tower Hostinec near Hostisova village. At the highest point of the route there is an airfield with a nice view of area. Follows Sazovice (near is Myslocovice with a cozy bike park), Hrabuvky farmstead with horses, passage under the highway, then Tlumacov village, Zahlinicke ponds and the route ends at railway bridge over Morava river in Kromeriz city. I like this route very much due to it's diverse character. It is rideable in wet conditions as well.