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Cycling Route in Victoria, Judeţul Braşov, Romania

Moldoveanu (foto)

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10 km
398 m
719 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
Avg. Speed
--- m
Max. Elevation

About This Route

Am plecat cu masina din Nucsoara si am lasat-o inainte de Vf. Valea Larga, urcand pe culme. A doua zi traseul cu bicicletele pe varf (pe triunghi albastru) si intoarcerea in Nucsoara pe Valea Cernatului, pe unde drumul e mult mai bun. Se paote urca dealtfel pe aici, noi nu am nimerit drumul :)

Greu de exprimat in cuvinte.. O tura excelenta!


(Nu ratati poza cu coboratul oilor, la sud de ultimul punct marcat al traseului :)

This cycling route is ideal for: MTB

You will cycle on the following surfaces: Gravel

Highlights Along The Route

POI Photo 1: 331

Point of Interest

Lacul Galbena

POI Photo 2: 331

Point of Interest

coboratul oilor

More highlights are available with Bikemap for iOS and Android.

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