Cycling in Bekes
Discover Bekes by bike with routes created by our community.
Region portrait
Get to know Bekes
Find the right bike route for you through Bekes, where we've got 2,311 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the flat or downhill type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of July and August.
122,105 km
Tracked distance
Cycle routes
Most active users in Bekes
From our community
The best bike routes in Bekes
Kolozsvári utca 77., Békéscsaba - Kolozsvári utca 77., Békéscsaba
Cycling route in Békéscsaba, Bekes, Hungary
- 40.8 km
- Distance
- 198 m
- Ascent
- 199 m
- Descent
Kolozsvári utca 79., Békéscsaba - Kolozsvári utca 79., Békéscsaba
Cycling route in Békéscsaba, Bekes, Hungary
- 50.7 km
- Distance
- 171 m
- Ascent
- 170 m
- Descent
Wenckheim - Szabadkígyós kerékpárút visszairány
Cycling route in Szabadkígyós, Bekes, Hungary
Szabadkígyós visszairány.
- 10.9 km
- Distance
- 11 m
- Ascent
- 12 m
- Descent
Discover more routes
- Wenckheim - Szabadkígyós kerékpárút
- Distance
- 10.9 km
- Ascent
- 8 m
- Descent
- 8 m
- Location
- Békéscsaba, Bekes, Hungary
- Wenckheim - Póstelek - Gerla kerékpárút
- Distance
- 19.7 km
- Ascent
- 32 m
- Descent
- 36 m
- Location
- Békéscsaba, Bekes, Hungary
- OKT alföldi
- Distance
- 60.7 km
- Ascent
- 37 m
- Descent
- 36 m
- Location
- Szarvas, Bekes, Hungary
- Pataky László utca 17., Békéscsaba - Kolozsvári utca 79., Békéscsaba
- Distance
- 26.9 km
- Ascent
- 112 m
- Descent
- 113 m
- Location
- Békéscsaba, Bekes, Hungary
- Erdélyi középhegység/Apuseni mountain
- Distance
- 726.9 km
- Ascent
- 10,485 m
- Descent
- 10,484 m
- Location
- Gyula, Bekes, Hungary
- Kolozsvári utca 79., Békéscsaba - Kolozsvári utca 79., Békéscsaba
- Distance
- 43.4 km
- Ascent
- 154 m
- Descent
- 162 m
- Location
- Békéscsaba, Bekes, Hungary
- Gyula és környéke kastélytúra
- Distance
- 67.3 km
- Ascent
- 47 m
- Descent
- 47 m
- Location
- Gyula, Bekes, Hungary
- 2011.06.21.Gyula-Körösök, hidak, Napsütés, néha szembeszél
- Distance
- 43.4 km
- Ascent
- 33 m
- Descent
- 31 m
- Location
- Gyula, Bekes, Hungary
Cycling regions in Bekes
308 cycling routes
4 cycling routes
18 cycling routes
6 cycling routes
70 cycling routes
See where people are biking in Hungary
Popular cycling regions in Hungary
HungaryCsongrád megye