Cycling in Dravograd
Discover Dravograd by bike with routes created by our community.
Region portrait
Get to know Dravograd
Find the right bike route for you through Dravograd, where we've got 526 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the hilly or uphill type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of July and August.
44,422 km
Tracked distance
Cycle routes
From our community
The best bike routes in Dravograd
Cycling route in Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
- 68.2 km
- Distance
- 3,032 m
- Ascent
- 3,040 m
- Descent
Robindvor 61, Dravograd to Robindvor 63, Dravograd
Cycling route in Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
- 68.2 km
- Distance
- 3,032 m
- Ascent
- 3,040 m
- Descent
Dráva túra - 5. etap
Cycling route in Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
- 94.6 km
- Distance
- 1,936 m
- Ascent
- 2,109 m
- Descent
Kolesarska pot po Mislinjski dolini
Cycling route in Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
Štrekna, Kolesarska pot po Mislinjski dolini, velja za infrastrukturno eno najbolje urejenih kolesarskih poti v Sloveniji, saj poteka po delu trase opuščene železnice Otiški Vrh–Velenje. Trenutno je urejena v dolžini 24 km med Otiškim Vrhom,
- 47.8 km
- Distance
- 327 m
- Ascent
- 338 m
- Descent
Discover more routes
- Lavamünd
- Distance
- 10.5 km
- Ascent
- 101 m
- Descent
- 92 m
- Location
- Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
- Koroška cesta 14 to Koroška cesta 14
- Distance
- 46.8 km
- Ascent
- 374 m
- Descent
- 435 m
- Location
- Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
- 66km_800m_Dravograd-Maribor
- Distance
- 66.1 km
- Ascent
- 1,233 m
- Descent
- 1,315 m
- Location
- Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
- Dravograd to Lendava
- Distance
- 159.4 km
- Ascent
- 2,192 m
- Descent
- 2,351 m
- Location
- Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
- Dravograd-Maribor
- Distance
- 69.4 km
- Ascent
- 1,273 m
- Descent
- 1,403 m
- Location
- Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
- Dravograd Rundfahrt
- Distance
- 58.6 km
- Ascent
- 730 m
- Descent
- 365 m
- Location
- Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
- Dravograd - PD Košenjak
- Distance
- 23.4 km
- Ascent
- 947 m
- Descent
- 947 m
- Location
- Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
- Von der österreichischen Grenze nach Ljubljana
- Distance
- 156.4 km
- Ascent
- 512 m
- Descent
- 542 m
- Location
- Dravograd, Dravograd, Slovenia
Cycling regions in Dravograd
526 cycling routes
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