Cycling in Bodolz
Discover Bodolz by bike with routes created by our community.
Region portrait
Get to know Bodolz
Find the right bike route for you through Bodolz, where we've got 552 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the hilly or uphill type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of July and August.
33,280 km
Tracked distance
Cycle routes
From our community
The best bike routes in Bodolz
Eichbühlweg 39A, Lindau (Bodensee) nach Eichbühlweg 39A, Lindau (Bodensee)
Cycling route in Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
- 36.7 km
- Distance
- 256 m
- Ascent
- 306 m
- Descent
Unterreitnauer Straße 50, Lindau (Bodensee) nach Ringstraße 38, Sigmarszell
Cycling route in Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
Ausflug zum Montfortschloss in Tettnang
- 42.1 km
- Distance
- 393 m
- Ascent
- 411 m
- Descent
Radrunde am östlichen Bodensee
Cycling route in Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
2.04.2018: Schöne Radrunde von Wasserburg über Friedrichshafen - Immenstadt - Markdorf nach Friedrichshafen (Rückfahrt nach Wasserburg per Bahn). Überwiegend schöne Wege. Ausnahme: Friedrichshafen - Immenstaad an verkehrsbelasteter Hauptstraße.
- 50.7 km
- Distance
- 116 m
- Ascent
- 110 m
- Descent
Hinterland Tour
Cycling route in Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
Weinberge - Hopfengärten - verträumte Weiher
Aus dem "Seebote 2014 ". Selbst noch nicht gefahren,aber ich werde berichten.
- 36.6 km
- Distance
- 162 m
- Ascent
- 152 m
- Descent
Discover more routes
- Im Abtsgarten 1, Bodolz nach Dorfstraße 78, Kressbronn am Bodensee
- Distance
- 4.7 km
- Ascent
- 73 m
- Descent
- 50 m
- Location
- Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
- 03_Von Lindau zum Degersee
- Distance
- 22.8 km
- Ascent
- 452 m
- Descent
- 452 m
- Location
- Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
- Württembergisches Allgäu mit Abstecher ins Westallgäu
- Distance
- 79 km
- Ascent
- 474 m
- Descent
- 474 m
- Location
- Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
- Steigungs-Höhenmeter-Genuss-Tour
- Distance
- 69.2 km
- Ascent
- 1,211 m
- Descent
- 1,212 m
- Location
- Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
- Eine Runde vom Hinterland an den See und zurück
- Distance
- 25.8 km
- Ascent
- 218 m
- Descent
- 266 m
- Location
- Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
- Eichbühlweg 39A, Lindau (Bodensee) nach Eichbühlweg 39A, Lindau (Bodensee)
- Distance
- 117.5 km
- Ascent
- 135 m
- Descent
- 186 m
- Location
- Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
- Bodensee (Lake Constance) Rundweg
- Distance
- 264.1 km
- Ascent
- 328 m
- Descent
- 322 m
- Location
- Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany
- Eichbühlweg 39A, Lindau (Bodensee) nach Pfänder 1, Lochau
- Distance
- 19.7 km
- Ascent
- 773 m
- Descent
- 219 m
- Location
- Bodolz, Bavaria, Germany