Cycling in Meise
Discover Meise by bike with routes created by our community.
Region portrait
Get to know Meise
Find the right bike route for you through Meise, where we've got 196 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the downhill type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of April and July.
8,234 km
Tracked distance
Cycle routes
Most active users in Meise
From our community
The best bike routes in Meise
Wolvertem mtb loop
Cycling route in Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium
Mountainbikeroute Miel Van Cauter Combinatie blauw en rode lus Startplaats Wolvertem 50 % off-road
- 44.3 km
- Distance
- 301 m
- Ascent
- 301 m
- Descent
Gordel - alternative North Eastern route
Cycling route in Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium
A more picturesque route round the northern portion avoiding industrial zones and the airport for the Gordel
- 108.2 km
- Distance
- 397 m
- Ascent
- 397 m
- Descent
Meise (rood+blauw)
Cycling route in Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium
Mountainbikeroute Miel Van Cauter Combinatie blauw en rode lus Startplaats Wolvertem 50 % off-road
- 44.3 km
- Distance
- 301 m
- Ascent
- 301 m
- Descent
Discover more routes
- Gordel 2022 - 100km individueel Meise
- Distance
- 106.7 km
- Ascent
- 809 m
- Descent
- 804 m
- Location
- Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium
- Stationsstraat 129, Meise naar Emile Bockstaellaan 72, Brussel/Bruxelles
- Distance
- 10.2 km
- Ascent
- 91 m
- Descent
- 107 m
- Location
- Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium
- MeisBlaWol
- Distance
- 32 km
- Ascent
- 197 m
- Descent
- 195 m
- Location
- Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium
- Moderate route into Brussels
- Distance
- 9.8 km
- Ascent
- 99 m
- Descent
- 116 m
- Location
- Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium
- Meise Plantentuin - Zwaluwstraat 135, Londerzeel
- Distance
- 13.3 km
- Ascent
- 48 m
- Descent
- 111 m
- Location
- Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium
- Vlietenlaan 24 to Vlietenlaan 24
- Distance
- 56.8 km
- Ascent
- 45 m
- Descent
- 45 m
- Location
- Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium
- MeisBlRWol
- Distance
- 50.4 km
- Ascent
- 353 m
- Descent
- 354 m
- Location
- Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium
- Distance
- 47.7 km
- Ascent
- 99 m
- Descent
- 105 m
- Location
- Meise, Flemish Region, Belgium