How cycling in Tyrol could look like.

Cycling in Tyrol

Discover Tyrol by bike with routes created by our community.

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Get to know Tyrol

Find the right bike route for you through Tyrol, where we've got 38,203 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the hilly or uphill type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of July and August.

3,280,304 km

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From our community

The best bike routes in Tyrol


23.6. Brenner - Vipiteno

Cycling route in Gries am Brenner, Tyrol, Austria

Etappe 3, del 2: Etter å ha ankommet Brennerpasset og Italia med tog fra Innsbruck, skal vi trille ned ca. 20 km. til den vakre landsbyen Vipiteno, som er vårt mål for dagen. Denne deletappen består av sykkelvei på asfalt og spektakulære utsiktspunkter hele veien. Hva med å nyte en god italiensk pas
22.4 km
217 m
639 m

23.6. Maurach - Innsbruck

Cycling route in Jenbach, Tyrol, Austria

Etappe 3, del 1: Vi står opp og merker at vi befinner oss i Tirol. Denne etappen er delt inn i 2 deler, og vi skal ende opp i Vipiteno, som ligger i Italia. Vi starter med en lang nedstigning til Jenbach og Inntal. Vi sykler langs elven Inn til Innsbruck på 1. klasses asfaltert sykkelvei uten stigni
49 km
264 m
630 m

INNS: Kleinvolderberg

Cycling route in Birgitz, Tyrol, Austria

The Kleinvolderberg is a cracking climb within striking distance of the city. The tough, hair-pinned ascent, just to the east of Innsbruck, is accessible by the bike path which runs adjacent to the river Inn. At 4.1km with an average gradient of 11 per cent, it’s a real leg-tester, and you
65.1 km
1,456 m
1,456 m

Isarradweg - vom Karwendel bis nach Deggendorf

Cycling route in Thaur, Tyrol, Austria

Kompletter Isar-Radweg von der Quelle im Karwendelgebirge nach Scharnitz (Österreich) bis zur Mündung in die Donau bei Deggendorf. Es handelt sich hier um meine eigene, vollständige GPS-Aufzeichnung der Tour vom Juni 2018 mit nachträglicher Korrektur von Ausreissern un
304.5 km
74 m
922 m

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