Radroute in St. Catharines, Ontario, Kanada
Greater Niagara Circle Route

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Radroute in St. Catharines, Ontario, Kanada
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This rouyte is all paved, and quite traffic-free, except for the brief 2-3 km around Niagara Falls. The route is well marked aqnd flat, except for the ride up the escarpment at Queenston which is not too long. This not MY route, but one that has been created and published for a few years. More information is avaialble at www.niagararegion.ca/government/initiative/gncr/default.aspx.
Wusstest du schon? Du kannst diese Route als Vorlage in unserem Routenplaner verwenden, und sie ganz einfach nach deinen Bedürfnissen anpassen. So planst du noch schneller deine perfekte Radtour.
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