Radroute in Saint-Malo, Bretagne, Frankreich
De la côte d'émeraude au Mont-Dol

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Radroute in Saint-Malo, Bretagne, Frankreich
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Morning: Côte d'émeraude and Cancale
Vist Saint-Malo and its beaches in the morning.
Departure for Cancale along the coast, through Pointe du Grouin. Possibility to stop somewhere on the shore to swim/sunbath.
Arrival at Cancale, possibly stop for oysters and seafood.
Afternoon: Mont-Dol via the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay
Pretty flat start. Climb Mont-Dol to enjoy the view and visit the church. Sleep in Dol-de-Bretagne.
Cancale, patrie des huîtres
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