Radroute in Argelès-Gazost, Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées, Frankreich
2019-03 Argelès-Gazost to St-Gaudens (ESTANCARBON)
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Radroute in Argelès-Gazost, Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées, Frankreich
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In 2019, we did self-supported touring for a little less than 2 months from mid-September through early November.
Day 3 - Argelès-Gazost to St-Gaudens (ESTANCARBON)
This was a great ride on mostly low- and occasionally zero traffic roads. Wonderful ride mostly along roads we know well, but also D14, D139, and the Parcours Cyclable de la Garonne were new to us and outstanding zero-traffic roads. The Parcours Cyclable was very well marked with signage that kept pointing us from Pointis-de-Rivière in the direction of Valentine, and later St.-Gaudens, despite the number of twists and turns in the path. This was a really nice change from the more heavily trafficked roads between a little past Montréjeau and D921 (principally D825 and D8), which has a great bicycle lane…along with heavy traffic. D34, which got us from D825 to the start of the Parcours Cyclable was also excellent low-traffic road. This is definitely a path to repeat in the future.
Wusstest du schon? Du kannst diese Route als Vorlage in unserem Routenplaner verwenden, und sie ganz einfach nach deinen Bedürfnissen anpassen. So planst du noch schneller deine perfekte Radtour.
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