Radroute in Kašina, Zagreb Stadt, Kroatien
57 (new) - 15 (new) - Rodeo Drive

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Radroute in Kašina, Zagreb Stadt, Kroatien
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WATCH OUT FOR HIKERS on these trails!!!
Again, one of my new favourites on Sljeme. This route has two new trails which bypasses the gravel parts of trail 57 and adds a new dimension and connection from trail number 57 to 15 and then to Rodeo Drive trail! Freshly cut singletrack, some gravel (old 57) and then again fresh cut singletrack before the Rodeo Drive! Rodeo Drive has a lot of jumps, berms, kickers so be careful (one drop doesn't have a chicken way, but every other feature has it)
Wusstest du schon? Du kannst diese Route als Vorlage in unserem Routenplaner verwenden, und sie ganz einfach nach deinen Bedürfnissen anpassen. So planst du noch schneller deine perfekte Radtour.
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