Radroute in Kirkcudbright, Schottland, Vereinigtes Königreich
St Ninian's Way - Gatehouse of Fleet to Creetown

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Radroute in Kirkcudbright, Schottland, Vereinigtes Königreich
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The 8th section of St Ninian’s Way follows Bike Route 7 west out of Gatehouse of Fleet for 300m to T junction by church. Here BR 7 goes north but the Way continues along road and track to Anwoth (1 km) and on to the Old Military Road , which meanders through the hills to Balloch Bridge and then down into Creetown on Wigtown Bay.
Starting with a steep rise and meandering through hills and moorland.
For a map overview of Part 1 and Part 2 of St Ninian’s Way please go to https://www.bikemap.net/en/route/3548129-st-ninians-way-carlisle-to-st-andrews-part-1-carlisle-to-whithorn/
St Ninian’s Way is one of the great pilgrim routes in Scotland to St Andrews - The Way of St Andrews - For other routes see http://www.thewayofstandrews.com
Cardoness Castle
Balloch Bridge
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