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Radroute in Bristol, England, Vereinigtes Königreich

AvonKennett...Bristol To Reading

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149 km
244 m
223 m
-:-- h
-- km/h
--- m
Max. Höhe

Über diese Route

This is the Bristol - Bath cycle route plus the FULL Avon Kennett route to the Thames at Reading.

Give yourself at least two days to do this ride or set off very early on a summers morning to complete it in one day.

The ride is very straight forward but is not easy, mainly because of the condition of the canal in places. The towpath gets overgrown and turns into grass in many rural areas and this can be very bumpy and slow to cover. I recomend full suspension bikes because of this as your backside takes a considerable amount of pounding. If its done in two days this is not a problem but its worth considering.

The White Horse on the hill not long after Devizes can be seen for a considerable distance and so makes that part of the canal very tedious.. it seems to take forever before its out of sight.

Lots of things to see through the journey and many stopping off points to rest and recover. All in All a very nice ride, just remember that backside...

Diese Fahrradroute ist ideal für: MTB

Du fährst auf folgendem Untergrund: Unbefestigt

Highlights entlang der Route

Interessanter Ort

The White Horse. Beautiful but after a while you wish it would go away and mock someone else.

Interessanter Ort

Caen locks. Achievements like this just don't happen any more.

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