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Radroute in Girona, Katalonien, Spanien

Girona to Sant Esteve de Palautordera

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61 km
628 m
470 m
5:16 h
11,5 km/h
254 m
Max. Höhe

Über diese Route

Overall, this was not a demanding route. Most climbs were relatively short and gradual. The portion along A-2 was on a service road, which had both a bike land and zero traffic. While it was a bit noisy from the traffic on the main freeway and had little scenic value, the solitude and lack of cars along this section was wonderful. GI-555 was a relatively pretty road with a lot of greenery, but it did have too much traffic and mostly no road shoulder. C-35 had a lot of traffice, including commercial and industrial traffic. Fortunately, though, most of this route had pretty good road shoulder.

Diese Fahrradroute ist ideal für: Rennrad MTB Citybike

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