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Radroute in Cahors, Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées, Frankreich

Cahors - Circle through Goudon and Le Vigan

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88 km
1051 m
1051 m
6:28 h
18,0 km/h
440 m
Max. Höhe

Ăśber diese Route

This was a great ride through nice countryside and mostly great roads.

We'd initially intended to return further east through Montfaucon so that we would arrive back in Cahors from the east on D653, but some rain pelting us after going through Le Vigan made us turn south at that point and return along D820, which was a much more direct route to our hotel.

Regarding roads, D12 was an outstanding low-traffic road. D811 out of Cahors to Mercuès had too much traffic, but wasn't too bad. D801 from Goudon to Le Vigan had a bit too much traffic and zero shoulder. Finally, from where we got on to D820 to St-Pierre-Lafeuille, there was only some narrow shoulder, but there was relatively light traffic, so it wasn't a problem. From St-Pierre-Lafeuille south to Cahors, there was some wide shoulder, but it was pretty rough. All-in-all, D820 turned out to be a better road than we'd expected it would be.

Diese Fahrradroute ist ideal fĂĽr: Rennrad

Du fährst auf folgendem Untergrund: Asphaltiert

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